Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Wohoo! C&E is over. I was up untill 4 last night(i'm still sleepy even tho i just had a nap before dinner) finishing up the final project, then met up with benji in sch to put it together and hand it up. Its seems like ours is one of the few that is hand drawn but hey, i'm useless otherwise. So now i have no homework to do. Yay. Tomoro i will be collecting my bound photo book and i'll put up some of the prints here.

me and ben at jupiter
Finally luqman faced some hostilities from me. See, while ben and i were workin on our project yesterday(sy was there too) luqman came along and asked like why we didnt ask him to be in our group. So i said like he keeps not comin and he didnt bother to ask me if there was anything to do. When he asked if he could just put his name in ours i like dodged it, saying that he would be able to finish it in one night cause the workload wasnt that heavy. So it was, luqman making excuses and me and ben tossing them away. Sy said he was glad to have been able to witness the drama... hahah. But it didnt end there. Later on when eating at jupiter i was showing sy my mini prints(ben had left by then) luqman was like criticizing them so i bitchily asked "What did you get for your basic photo again?"(he failed see) so he replied like 'ouh cause i didnt pass up and blabla. Better than those people who pass up and still fail..." Then i was like "and what about marketing?"(cause his group failed as well even tho they did all the work). He like sorta mumbled something but it was as good as shutting up. Later we were askin bout his bad attendance then he said he easily gets sick cause his resistance is low but me and sy were not believing it then i said "maybe its because you used to smoke" then he was all "i never smoke wat" then i gladly reminded him of how he told me and wen hao that he had quit and felt a whole lot fitter after that. That also sorta shut him up. Sy was so relieved when he was gone.
Anyways, after that we were to meet up with jon and jeremy to watch a movie at vivo. It was quite nice... gotta go back there one of these days. But lo and behold, the entire cinema was closed cause of some private event. Damn them.

So we had to go all the way to cine and meet jeremy there... not before i had a scoop of cookie dough from ben&jerry's of course(i cant believe they have that, haagen daz and swensens on the same floor) We got the 9.25 show and ate at subway(sy's most hated food place on earth). The movie turned out better than i expected but i still dun like daniel craig as bond. The 1st chase scene was totally amazing. But it was pretty gross when he got hit in the balls over and over. Quite funny tho. And eva green looks just as pretty with and without make-up on. By the time the movie ended, it was like 12 and we cabbed back. Surprisingly it wasnt that ex even with midnight charge... 11 bucks to be divided among the 4 of us. I got nagged at for reaching home at about 1 a.m. cause i had schoolwork to do and an appointment the next morning(the blood test went smoothly this time tho)

if i did that, say 2 hours earlier, i would have gotten run over by a bus.
Morbidity Exposed
10:46 PM