Saturday, November 04, 2006
Benji arrowed me to do this
7 random things about myself :
1. I'm psycho about certain animals
2. My fingers are not ring-friendly
3. Cellphones are my obsession
4. I no longer need to use oil blotters
5. I had stitches on my chin
6. It feels like there's sand in my eyes
7. I photograph better on my right side
7 things that scare me :
1. Death
2. Heights
3. Losing my handphone
4. Violent people
5. Ghosts & Getting possesed
6. Cockroaches
7. People who jump out and go BOO!
7 random songs at the moment :
1. Falling again
2. Day Late Friend
3. Breathe Into Me
4. Sleep
5. Good Enough
6. Welcome to the Black Parade
7. Sweet Sacrifice
Morbidity Exposed
12:48 AM