Quest for the Thingie
Monday, July 10, 2006
Zidane is such a stupid bitch. Because of his overwhelming testosterones that cause his bald spot, he headbutts some italian guy real hard in the chest and gets sent off with a red card... which is why the french lost. At least thats wat i think. Its not like i followed the world cup at all. Its just that sunday morning i decided that i would watch the match that night... or rather, the next morning. And i like just picked france with no particular reason,(even though everyone predicted italy would win), and supported them throughout the game. And what a game it was. It was amazing that i was actually not bored. Maybe its because of the extremely high stakes. Hmm. Anyways italy won. tg i'm not like some gung ho fan. The disappointment was rather minute.
So we've like started our developing photos in the darkroom and everything and this module is like the most mah fan of all cause of the lack of resources. I mean like its like i'm either bored sick with nothing to do, or i'm rushing like hell, getting my fingers slowly eaten away by the loads of smelly chemicals. Developing is very, very tedious. There are like so many factors that could cause the film or print to go wrong. I just want this block to be over as quick as possible.

The darkroom. But the room we load the film into the developing tank is 10 times darker...absolute darkness. Its really like you're blind.
Niways, last friday, BaPho class was cancelled so we went to go shoot. Me, sy and Dilys(a.k.a delicious) decided to go changi village. So we took 29 from tampines interchange and like hlafway we like saw reasonably nice scenery and got off. It was so frikin hot and sunny la... by the time this block is over i'm gonna be at least 2 shades darker. After walking a while, we saw the prison fence and i thought the barbed wire would look cool in the photos. So we were happily snapping when this civillian-looking person came up to us and asked us if we had the release to do it. I hate these ppl. They like already know we dont have it but they ask anyway. Not because they're being nice and are givin us the benifit of a doubt, but because they love being sarcastic and in power and seeing us squirm. So we just like said oh we didnt know, ans sy made most of the apologies and he left. It took us forever to like get past the huge compound so we could actually take photos without any morons buging us. I mean seriously, how much intellectual property is there in a blank fence, or as if we were like feeding info to the prisoners inside.
Because Dil was so impatient( she insisted we not wait at the 29 stop we were at, but walk to the next one), we ended up like walking up 4 long different streets in the sweltering sun before we actually found the correct bus stop.

Look how low the button for the traffic light is...
We got on and dropped like at the chalet area. Started walking and tg there was more shade. And guess wat? we actually passed by old changi hospital! ooo. There was this like really big group of young ppl(they looked like 19 to 24-ish), wearing sporty clothes and looked like they were about to enter it.

this was as close as i would get to it.

Then we walked sumore and saw this rather ironic road name.

This has got to be like the coolest road name in Singapore.
After having a drink at a coffee shop, we headed to the beach for more sexy photos. There were like many groups of those kind of ppl we saw earliar at OCH, playing all sorts of games. Dunno wat kind of camp or something. Here's some pics, although there are a lot more sexy ones taken with the slr.

I so love this scene

There were planes coming in like every 5 mins.
Morbidity Exposed
9:01 PM