The Black Hole Revelation
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Ok so today was ComDi presentation for the individual project and it went quite well. There were some really good ones. Sy was very debate-ish at some parts, margaret accidentally said that the artist did household chores instead of household items and yk was as exciting as a mole at the back of an old man's neck. Some had great content but bad english. That over, after lunch, i left to go and meet luqman and his friend at dhoby ghaut to go for the Muse concert.
I arrived there like an hour early so i shopped around a bit; spotlight, barang barang, times - very boring i know. So luqman came at 5.30 with this guy named rick so after getting take-out from subway we walked to fort canning... i never knew it was so near to ps.
It was 6 when we got there and already the line was so freakin long la. Like super ultra long. So we go all the way to the back and spot yk with his friend and we joined him. Then later after we finished our sandwiches, i saw asanul with his friend. He's bigger now... and he smokes, which tarnishes much his image. So he asked if he could join us cause by that time there were a lot of ppl behind us so yeah. Then a while more, jocelyn, wanqi and stephanie came and joined her friend just in front of us so we were like one big group or sth. Well it took a long time to get to the entrance and like there was bag check and stuff and the guy confiscated my pen-knife. Haha. I mean its like i have it in my pencilbox everyday la so haiz...gotta buy a new one.
We wanted to get like t-shirts or something but thought that getting a good place in the mass of people was more important 1st, plus we could buy stuff later. So We gathered around one side, yk, his friends and asanul went dunno wher. So it was me luqman and rick as well as wanqi, joce and steph. It was damn squeezy la. My back so pain already stand so long, sumore in that cramped area cannot move also.

While waiting damn long for it to start
Ok So when Muse came onstage, started with Knights of Cydonia. Everyone went wild. A few times there was like this push ripple from somewhere in the middle(my cuz said it was the idiot ang mohs) and every one like almost fell down. At first luqman disappeared somewhere in front, then the 3 girls too. Luckily got rick la if not i down there all alone surrounded by heaps of morons and lunatics... and idiot smokers killing our lungs. The sound was just utterly deafening; so loud i couldnt even hear myself shout and i could feel it vibrating in my chest. I was so worried my hearing would be permanently impaired or that my phone screen will crack or something. And once, while other idiots were flinging mineral water, this guy decided to fling red bull and i got a faceful of it. I felt like shoving a guitar up his ass.
But otherwise it was totally awesome... jumping and headbanging(well more bobbing than banging) to the amazing music and singing(or rather screaming) along. Flashing lights, enthu atmosphere and giant confetti-filled balloons that we had to pop. Great songs, spectacular skills. Absolutely loved it, well worth the 85 bucks. Muse owns.

Matt on the piano for Feeling Good

a smoky ending
(short clip of starting of starlight. Kinda bad quality tho.)
Ok so after that, me, rick and the 3 girls met near the entrance to wait for luqman, wherever he was, and his phone was either switched off or dead. After a while the 3 girls left and the both of us waited sumore. I was so super shagged la. And my ears were like numb(they're still ringing now). Anyways we decided to go look for him and found him in front of the stage. Apparently, he lost his phone; when he was recording, someone bumped into him and he dropped it and i guess someone else took it la... or it got trampled into the ground. (Sy, i know you're smiling). So we walked back to ps and got drinks from 7-11 where one of the cashiers was like... a drag without female clothes. As in a guy with lotsa make-up and super-skinny eyebrows. Scary. Haha.

the both of them were totally drenched in sweat
Morbidity Exposed
1:44 AM