The Clear Obscurity
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Well, yesterday, as i was going into the toilet, i slipped on the entryway and fell dramatically, head hitting the door, elbow grazing the floor and my foot... i dunno what i hit but it was painful as hell. So i looked down and my toe wasnt really like bleeding a lot, but oh my did it hurt. I couldt do anything for like a good 15 mins. And by later that night, it looked like this...

I know. Disgusting.
Went for the nokia starlight cinema with luqman yesterday. We met up, got food at bk even though i wanted subway but the queue at the latter was way too long. We walked to the padang and settled ourselves down at about 6.50 but by the time the movie started, it was like 8.15. The place was pretty crowded, a lot of couples. Not my fault Savage didnt want to come. Fast and the furious tokyo drift. I wouldnt say it was a bad movie. Neither was it very good. It was watchable, very little storyline but the action was good, however by the last race, i was bored with all the drifting.

The big-ass projector

The inflatable screen. And thats the haze in the background
I hate the bloody indonesians. They are like dufus stupid. Its not like this is the first time this has happened. It looked like bangkok in the day in town yesterday. And after the show, it was like i was in the mirrormask world. Everything had hazy edges and lights were outlined into visible beams. It wal like the end of the world or something, like it wasnt really night, but there was so much soot from supposed volcano eruptions that blocked out the sun. When i was nearing home and the streets were quite empty, i was like half anticipating the silent hill siren to go off. Seriously. As i'm blogging now, the psi is 150. Those stupid indonesian farmers are killing us. And the authorities suck at enforcing the law.
I'm happy that the evanescence album is growin on me succesfully. Although i still dun like like 2 or 3 songs... and never will i think.
Morbidity Exposed
8:16 PM