Anonymity Complex
Friday, May 19, 2006
Hmm, it seems nobody reads my blog anymore. And if anybody has been as busy as i have been, i fully understand y. Ah well, its more for my future reference anyways.
Well, its been a rough week. I thought sleeping at 1a.m. on a school night was bad... but monday night i had only 1 hour of sleep trying to finish up my color assignments. The collage was a bitch but i managed to finish it in the end. And it kinda looked like orlando bloom. I better at least get a B for it after the like 20 hours i spent on it.
Typo is getting real sucky, or rather we are disliking the lecturer more. She's extremely fussy. Its like um, we are supposed to design our own font but then she restricts so much in the name of legibility, even if it is legible. So most people's one turned out kinda boring... except a few like wen hao's which looks really good. He's a master of the ballpoint pen. ouh and i got a real funny vid of him falling asleep in class. Mine was supposed to look a bit like spiky butterfly wings... named Baroque Au Natural, but due to legibility reasons, it changed to something simpler... Thorn Pentagram. Yeah i know it sucks. Um on tues we had the group presentation and even though we had a lot less words on our powerpoint than the other 2 groups, she still said it was good. And now our project is to make a brochure. The actual thing is not that difficult but all the extra bits that are supposed to lead up to it could just drown me in a pool of mah fan. Like we have to come up with 20 ideas for the layout, keep track of the minutest things and we actually have to go town to print it out. Wats the deal with that? So this will consume my weekend. But at least i'll get to catch up on sleep.
Then wed was supposed to be retro day as stacie's idea... but somehow the word wasnt spread as far and with as much enthusiasm as joel's uniform day but at least people did wear the stuff. I did a very yoga-ish hippie look and cleansed everyone's aura with a dreamcatcher.
thats stacie in front and the four of us behind her made up my group for the color presentation.
Our group was the least accomplished with the project la. Like we'd talk about it for like 5 mins then slowly slide away and start crapping. In the end, last night, befor the presentation today, i worked with wen hao to put it together. He did the powerpoint, i gave the points of contention. The project was actually like, we choose an event, then discuss it in terms of color. My group chose Quidam. So we had a radical idea. I would dress up as quidam, as in the headless guy with the umbrella...but there was no way we would be able to make my shoulders elevate to my head level so all we used was wh's hooded sweater thingie and my navy blue muffler. Cause like quidam means like nameless passerby so we just made me identity-less. Then like wen the group before us was gonna end, i went to the toilet and luqman helped me tie the muffler around my head. It turned out pretty good. I looked pretty dark and gothic. Lin even said i was scary. Yay.
Cool rite?
Well it went quite ok, but a little worse than i expected. I walked in slowly as the intro music played and waited around like an idiot the rest of the time, breathing through my mouth, peering with one eye through the tiny gap in the fabric. I thought luqman, bein an ex debator would have more to say and i cant believe he and nasiehah used 'invoke' wrongly. Its a relatively unchim word. And i felt that thw whole thing lacked depth. But well, cant blame them since it was very impromptu. Then stupid nasi said that i was gonna contort for the class, which, mind you, was so Not part of the plan. But since she announced it, i had to do it. Got down and put my leg behind my head. At least i think we'll pass, with our cheap theatrics. And my arm was kinda aching for holding up the umbrella unmovingly for so long. One group discussed Victoria's Secret fashion show and talked way more on bras and less on color. Then they put on these like paper cones a`la madonna.
Well, gonna end now, gonna read finish my book cause its due tomoro. Ouh and i've got to say the chicken rice at the i.t. canteen is the worst i've ever tasted all my life.
Morbidity Exposed
8:00 PM