Gangsters and Cobras
Friday, December 22, 2006
Ok so yesterday i went for this church event Dilys invited me to at the DBS building. Ok so as i went in everybody at the door was super friendly and stuff and tho they told me their names i dont remember. Well after waiting inside for about half an hour cause i was early, the thing started.
The male host reminded me of gyanju from Bleach(yes its totally awesome) and he kept makin fun of the female presenter's small eyes. There was this band performace and they were pretty alright then was this drama thing about ppl who tried to find love and stuff... and let me tell you, drama it was. Sometimes it was too much that it was funny and there was this group of malay guys(they won some sports competition or something) being typical, shouting snide comments occasionally. Haiz... shame me only... not that i'm malay but i look it. After that there were these testimonies(like how crappy their life was until they found god) by some people and i thing it was really brave of them to speak their life sufferings to a big audience. There was this girl who actually drank detergent.
Ok so after that there was this speech by the pastor. Ok i know to me riveting, a speaker must have a certain level of enthusiasm and spontenaiety but well he was nearly reaching raving mad; shouting half the time with hoarse-ish(its not horse misspelled) voice. Reminds me a bit of moses(the design director, not the prophet) but this guy was actually funny. Then there was this quiet time thing where he said some stuff and asked who will accept jesus and stuff so afterwards when they were playin this song, those people would go up on stage. And during that time too, the youth counsellors went about the audience. One came to me and asked 'do you wanna come on stage? Did you feel anything in your heart a while ago?' Here's something about me... no matter how bitchy i am with friends, i'm almost always nice to other people. So instead of just saying a dead 'no' i said 'i dont think so'. And he continued, reiterating the previous testimonies and asked the previous questions again and started trying to lead me to the stage. So i was all 'i dunno' and 'not right now'. Then when he realised i wasnt gonna budge he asked
"can i pray for you?"
(me)"Nah its ok"
"Is there anything in your life you want me to pray for?"
"Nothing i can think of at the moment"
See thing is, even tho i'm a very unreligious person i wouldnt accept any other religion no matter how fun it seems cause i firmly believe in Islam. And they make it seem like its all up to God, i mean if He wanted to, he would love to accept us all in heaven but what about that wager with satan? And why should hell be so miserable... i mean if we follow in satan's footsteps he should be happy and welcome us with open arms right?(not that i would want to). See here i'm open to any objection so feel free to.
After the thing was over, went outside and met clara and waited for dilys to appear. The latter is shorter than i remember(maybe its cause of my high hair). Ok so the free food was pretty good and thank god(here its just an expression ok) it was halal. Woo. I loved it that the meat was sliced thinly and still pink in the centre. Yes, its the closest to raw i can get without falling ill. Ouh then we met Jerrold, same as ever and he was surprised to see me ther. When i was done everyone asked me to have seconds but i was too lazy to go line up again. And unfortunately there were these guys from sec sch who, when they got my attention, laughed. People like these shouldnt be invited to events that require manners.
After sayin goodbye, i left for novena cause i was meetin up with jon to go pick aaron up from the airport. More people came than i expected; daniel, jeremy, john, qiang and ivan. With the exception of me, john and ivan, everyone was gonna sleepover at jon's place that night... so they all followed jeremy to serangoon to go get his stuff cause he had to go for his BB(not that he's in it anymore... just kaypo kaypoh with the juniors) again early today.
i havent done my hair this high in a long time... and it felt gooood.
the gay couple woo! haha kidding.
Morbidity Exposed
10:17 AM