Zap Zap Butt
Monday, March 13, 2006
Last friday i was supposed to go watch my juniors debate but wen i got to school, they werent there and i had no idea wher the debate venue was going to be. So i called sy out to go window shopping and we went to suntec. Thanks to bc... we got caught in a traffic jam with a bus that doesnt exactly take us to suntec. So we wasted an extra 30 mins travel time. Sy needed to get this specific pair of swim trunks cause he lost his and didnt want his mom to find out. But he couldnt get it there, but i bought this really sexy pair of sunglasses. So we went marina square where he managed to find wat he was lookin for and i was almost gonna buy a wallet but realised i didnt bring enough cash.
Well,I've been in a state of confusion. Cause i saw this second hand N90 that day for like $850 and i found out the trade in value of my phone is like $600. But no way am i getting another more expensive phone. Instead... i'm intending to trade in my phone for a cheaper one... like the rokr e1 or a 2nd hand 7280 and get a 4 megapixel camera. That way, i dont have to be drooling after high end multimedia phones in the near future. Then today my dad said not to sell my phone and he'll get me the cam. But he shouldnt splurge... he should just set aside a sum for my poly fees. I mean who doesnt love to get new stuff free, but i guess there are certain priority boundries that need to be drawn.
Today me, sy, sh, john, dan and jp went to escape theme park cause I had my cuz gave me this coupon thing that admits a max of 6 ppl for 4 bucks each. But to our disappointment wen we got there, like 4 or 5 rides were closed... including my fav, the indoor coaster even though those 2 bimbos went flying out of the car. We didnt even bother waitin for the go cart cause the queue was freakishly long... so we took the vivking... against me better judgement... cause i usually get giddy on that... and not in the good sense. So after that... i went to rush to the flume ride queue 1st... to hold a place... but in the end only john was keen on it so only he waited with me while the rest went to do other stuff. So after like 40 mins, it was finally our turn, i sat in front. I actually brought a poncho along but didnt use it... wouldnt be fun that way... so i just put it across my lap so my crotch wouldnt get so wet. So we screamed inappropriately... as in wen we were just driftin. And after the first drop, i sang row row row your boat ala josh groban and was surprised that john joined in. real loud at that. I mean he's usually an introvert. I got sh to take pics...

So after that i sh and sy went to taka, i managed to get my two white t-shirts, black fabric marker and red fabric paint for me to design them. Then my wardrobe for tp will be complete. Whee. Ooh... except for the zara t-shirt my mom is supposed to get me.
Morbidity Exposed
8:37 PM