Monday, January 10, 2005
Ok, so school has started this 2005, in new premises. Cool new premises. Even though the swimming pool hasnt been built yet, and we have to walk up and down 5 stories because of the new homeroom system. Well, actually level 1 n 2 are sorta underground, so the top level is level 7. Right in the middle of the whole school is this preserved building, used as offices. The basketball court is on level 6 so if your ball goes over the fence...good luck. Ouh, and the field is so featureless that the whole school is useless for catching insects. But the walking is kinda ok, different settings but of course, nearly all the same teachers.
Speaking of teachers, Mrs Lau is really a pain, more so then DA somehow, but that doesnt mean that she isnt bitchy anymore. Miss Chua let her hair grow, and though i'm itching to expell, something, i shant, coz well, i also found out by accident lah. But how can i keep such things frm ppl like Shan Yu n Hui. And unfortunately, i got chosen as SS rep again. I dun like roles where work is involved. I mean i cant slack lah...since im collecting the homework, i ALWAYS have to hand up in time...
Ah, its a good thing that Mrs chandran left, for me at least. I mean 4SA got Dora as their eng teacher. Torture. Because she left, there's someone else in charge of debating. According to Miss Seah, he's nice and enthusiastic, and planned all our activities already. Thus my chairperson job will be much easier. Also, Miss Seah said that some of the new techers will be setting up a sch newspaper thingie and insisted that i be a part of it. Not to be shallow or anything, but i really hope i get CCA points from this. I also vow to be more active in my CCA's this year...perhaps a new year resolution?
Well, i finally managed to finish writing my first song. I admit that the lyrics is a bit cheesy and corny, but haiz... it will improve wit experience lah. I also need to improve my narrtive essay writing style. Its not that its terrible or anything, but recently, some ppl have been reading my stuff aloud and it sounds really... i dunno, like immature?
Well, its funny being sec four. I never knew this time would come so fast. I mean it seemed to close when i looked at a sec school student's book and thought i could never comprehend that stuff. Then into secondary school, friendships became more complicated. I became less hardworking(not that i had much of that in the first place). Sec 1 and 2 was like sorta playing in a new, upgraded playground, with revised rules from the primary level. 6 years of jolly fun, then three years of teen fun, but all 9 years were almost worriless.
Now its like mean its like the last leg of proper school. After that, its just poly, something so new and different. I've been thinking of how my life will be, supporting Maja, hating the fact that my dad moved from a proper, well paying job to the ever treacherous n risky business affair. How long before i have to start supporting him too? I mean i'm only gonna have up to a poly degree, its not like i'll be earning like a five figure paycheck or something. I wouldnt be leading the life i would want to lead.
Then soon, NS, then work already. Then like half my spicy life is over. After a few years will be financial, relationship and whatever problems. Then mid-life crisis crap, oldness, flab(i will do watever i can to prevent this), and baldness(i hope to have enough money to get a hair transplant if this ever happens). Life will slow down, turn into almost a monotone. The low drawl of working the same job, seeing the same faces, saying the same phrases. Ther'll be no zest. Its like living for the sake of living, and others. Of course i'll not talk about death yet lah, But i have already given some thought to it, like who i'm gonna get to do my funeral rites.
Ok, not to get too morbid... lets leave it here. Till next time...
Morbidity Exposed
5:41 PM