the Job Chronicles
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Crap. There's no way you can delete a friendster account. Cause ok, i heve one email add that i initially signed up with. But i dont use that one. So like after a month, the account is cancelled but saved for you. Then friendster will prompt you for e-mail verification. So i just decided to change the add to the one i'm usin. But dunno how, i already have another friendster account with that email add wen i dun have any recollection of havin signed up. And i cant find a way to delete that very dormant friendster so that i can use the add for my active one. Ouh, wait, i just did. Bimbo. ok, and also i tried to put a tagboard here but instead of goin in the sidebar, it locates itself right at the top middle of the page. Tsk
Ok, So i went to apex tower for the second interview, i was 10 mins late but not the only one. Ok, so the products they are selling are magnets in pillows, mattresses, mats and bracelets. Supposedly, it improves blood circulation. Okay, i believe that part. But its still gonna be difficult to sell. I mean the mattresses come at 3k a piece. And somehow i doubt the comfortable-ness. I mean its 7 layers of crap, one being coconut husk. I would really get four star or king koil or somethin like that. Who cares if it improves my blood circulation( F.Y.I, mine is good already, saw it with my own eyes...with the help of a microscope of course)i would just want a mattress that would take me to lala land the moment i hit it. And also, according to them, their brand is better because they use bipolar magnets, or rather two magnets stuck together. But on a site i visited, the magnets would just attract each other and the area of the magetic thigies wont be far enough to properly penetrate the body. I like the name of the thing they use though. Rare earth. Thats wat they call it at another site too. Something with Neodymium. Ok so I have to sell these. Basic pay is 700. But its supposed to increase later. yeah. I just hope it turns out all right, you know, no scams or funny business. And hopefully, by the end of these 5 months, i'll be able to cut, dye and rebond my hair, buy the nokia N70, Buy enough clothes to supply 2 weeks without repetition aand some savings. Yeah.
Morbidity Exposed
8:14 PM