Tears of Victory.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Ouh kay. This is so EFFING effed up. Just typed out a whole long entry, then when click 'publish' internet disconnected. All gone. Have to retype. Gonna keep it brief. So anyway, after we went down to P.A yesterday and waste a lot of time, the rugby match was postponed to today coz of bad weather. pissed me off quite a bit.
Anyway, we had it today. After a rather uneventful schoolday, ate lunch at Mac then take bus to P.A alone. Came, take attendance and found a decent spot to stand. Ok, so i'm seriously not a sports fan, but i was so hyped up about this match. I mean in sec 1 and 2 i just sat at some secluded corner and gossiped with SY and Tim. Didnt care about the match that seemed to drag on for hours. There was so much excitement buzzing among the spectators, and this time i was really into the game. Noticed the skill of our ruggers. Boon Rong was real good, and James and Ryan. I dunno the other names of those who stood out, but it rocked. The violence, the agility and the teamwork. There was a few injuries but they all were rearing to go.
So our side scored once before half time and once after, leaving an end score of 6-0
The moment the signal was given that the match was over, our school flooded the field in some wild frenzy. There was so much joy in the air. We all tried to congradulate the ruggers who were already to mobbed. So much shouting and cheering. Cheering for the win. Cheering for the half day. Daniel cheering for postponed chem test, but cheering all the same. A lot of hugging, hand shaking and crying with joy. The ACS people had tears of disappointment. Luckily our students were sportsmanly enough to applaud for the ACS as well. Saw this guy with a 3230(its smaller than i thought). Saw another guy trying to convince Mrs Charles to have a full day off. Yeah, like thats gonna happen.
After getting the trophy, the ruggers proceeded to 'pole' both the rugby teachers(carry them with their legs apart and slam them into the goal post at the ahem). I still dont get that tradition. Well, there was a lot of photo taking. Some who were usually camera-shy became photo-whores(thanks for that phrase Nurai). I stayed on quite a while and got like 20 pics on my phone. All in all, a great day.
To sum up last week. Had eng oral. It went kinda ok i guess, but still havent gotten my marks yet. The invigilator asked why i had a slang atypical of a malay guy. Puh-leeze. Went for tha track and field meet. Wasnt as fun as i thought it would be even though the ice-cream was good. SY and Tim were off being Elaine's slaves(takin photo). They also cancelled the teachers' race for the ladies, coz SY said last year when ms Chua ran, a lot of boys ran along to see her boobs bouncing.
Tsk. Well, thats it for now. Very tired. Ciao liao.
Morbidity Exposed
8:43 PM